Write a program to swap dictionary item’s position in Python?

Here is a program in Python to swap the positions of two items in a dictionary: 


def swap_items(dictionary, key1, key2):
    temp = dictionary[key1]
    dictionary[key1] = dictionary[key2]
    dictionary[key2] = temp
    return dictionary

my_dict = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}
print("Original Dictionary: ", my_dict)

key1 = 'A'
key2 = 'C'
my_dict = swap_items(my_dict, key1, key2)

print("Dictionary after swapping: ", my_dict)

In this program, we define a function swap_items() that takes a dictionary and two keys as input. The function swaps the values of the two keys in the dictionary using a temporary variable.

We create a dictionary my_dict and store some key-value pairs in it. Then, we call the swap_items() function, passing the dictionary and the two keys to be swapped as arguments. The function returns the updated dictionary after swapping the positions of the two items.

Finally, we print the original dictionary and the updated dictionary after swapping the positions of the two items.

This program can be useful if you want to change the order of items in a dictionary or manipulate the values in a dictionary based on some conditions.

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