We are Programming
Shark in New Zealand

We Have Been Helping With Programming Assignments & Projects Requiring Intensive Use Of Object-Oriented Concepts. Hire Qualified Programming Experts From Us And Experience A Boost In Your Academic Career

How it works

your instructions
Fill out the short form with your instructions and add attachments, or contact us via live chat to ask any questions or discuss details.
your expert
We choose an expert who best suits your needs and requirements. Then, you get the offers and prices for our online programming help.
a payment
Our experts will review and update the quote for your assignment. Make a payment to start the processing.
your work done
When you are completely satisfied with the result, you can download and use your work.
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What you get

Quality & Deadline — Top Priority
We use an internal bonus/penalties system (iBPS) to ensure our experts deliver quality work on time. Our algorithm assigns the most suitable specialist to provide coding homework help to you.
Double-Check by QA Team
We have a separate QA unit that checks the quality of code and other programming-related writings. It's like a QA team testing software at an IT company.
Money-Back Guarantee
Positive customer experience is our focus. If it's not reached, we guarantee a full refund. We have the lowest refund request rate due to high customer satisfaction — just 0.65% for coding and 1.16% for other tasks.
Data Security and Privacy
We understand the importance of data security and privacy for our clients. Therefore, we do not share or disclose your personal data to third parties when providing help with programming homework.

Work samples

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Expert programming assignment help service

There is no need for you to worry about your assignment in programming, especially when you can ask for professional programming assignment help online. There are several programming assignment help services today that can provide you with assistance in completing your homework on time. Since there are several sites that you can turn to, it is important that you look for a company that can provide you with high-quality results, which is why we are here to help you out. We know how difficult it is to write code and make sure that it is free from errors. That is why we hired certified programmers to join our team to ensure that your assignment works just fine.

Our team can handle different languages. For example, we provide:

Here's some advice to help you take your skills to the next level...

programming assignment help

Good old Java is one of the most widely used programming languages, but that doesn't mean that all of its areas are well-explored and easy to cope with. Sometimes it's just impossible to memorize all the classes and figure out how to incorporate them. We are here to do just that.

programming assignment help

Struggling to put the code together and can't concentrate on the big picture? Let us help you out! Provide us with all your ideas and coding drafts, and together we'll be able to create a perfectly functional code!

programming assignment help

How about all of those functions – confusing, isn't it? You can easily get lost in all the numbers and characters and simply not see what stops your code from working. Our team will be able to detect the bug and fix it in no time.

Professional programming homework help

It doesn't matter what programming assignment you need to do - whether it is in C++, Java, Perl, Adobe Flash, or Visual Basic, among others - we are confident that our programmers can complete your homework on time.
Our programming homework help service team has several professional programmers who have the skills as well as experience in handling various programming homework where you can even discuss details of your order so you can get the best result.

Programming assignment done fast

It is understandable that you'll feel frustrated with your programming homework, especially when you have other subjects to consider. Instead of spending most of your time writing code and debugging it, having expert programmers handle your work is worth it, especially when you get to see the results. And since you'll be working with our programming homework help service for your programming expert assignment, relying on the skills of highly-qualified programmers will certainly go a long way.


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We never reveal that you've used our service unless we're required by law to do so. If you've used our service correctly, in the way we demonstrated above, you need not to be worried.

You agree that if we can prove to you that the work was completed on time, which the money back guarantee does not apply. Unavoidable technical errors may prevent you receiving your work or opening it properly - these circumstances are therefore outside of our control and guarantees. However, we promise that if we cannot prove that the work was completed on time you'll get a full refund and the essay for free - if you ever don't get your work on time just try us at 9am the next morning after you should have received your work - genuine technical problems are easily remediable.

We have a quality control team that looks after the quality of the work. As mentioned earlier we deliver the work before the deadline, so you can verify that at your own and can contact us in case you don't find the work up to the standards. Make sure you ask for the amendments no later than 7 days after the delivery of the work.

In such scenario contact us within 7 days, excluding Sundays, and provide us the instances where you find the substandard in work. If we find your complaint pertinent, then we will amend it for no additional charge.

Without any hesitation the answer to this question is NO. The service we offer is 100% legal, legitimate and won't make you a cheater. Read and discover exactly what an essay writing service is and how when used correctly, is a valuable teaching aid and no more akin to cheating than a tutor's 'model essay' or the many published essay guides available from your local book shop. You should use the work as a reference and should not hand over the exact copy of it.