What will be the output, when divided by 0 in java?

Dividing any number by zero (0) in Java will result in an ArithmeticException being thrown at runtime. This is because division by zero is undefined in mathematics and is considered an error.

Here is an example code that will demonstrate the issue: 


int numerator = 10;
int denominator = 0;

int result = numerator / denominator; // This line will throw an ArithmeticException

When the code is executed, it will throw an ArithmeticException with the message "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" because it is not possible to divide a number by zero.

To avoid this exception, you can add a check to ensure that the denominator is not zero before performing the division. For example: 


int numerator = 10;
int denominator = 0;

if (denominator != 0) {
    int result = numerator / denominator;
} else {
    System.out.println("Denominator cannot be zero");

In this code, the program checks if the denominator is zero before performing the division. If the denominator is zero, the program prints a message indicating that the denominator cannot be zero. Otherwise, the program performs the division and prints the result.

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