What is switch case in Python?

What is the replacement of Switch Case in Python?

Unlike every other programming language we have used before, Python does not have a switch or case statement. To get around this fact, we use dictionary mapping.

Switch case is a programming construct that allows developers to write more concise and readable code by handling multiple possible outcomes for a single variable or expression. Unfortunately, Python doesn't have a built-in switch case statement, which can be found in languages like C or Java. However, there are several ways to implement switch case-like functionality in Python.

One common way is to use a dictionary to map values to functions. Each key-value pair in the dictionary represents a possible case, where the key is the case value, and the value is the corresponding function to be executed. This technique allows for easily adding or removing cases without modifying the code logic.

Another way to achieve switch case-like functionality is to use if-elif-else statements. Although not as concise as the dictionary method, it is still an effective way to handle multiple cases. The if-elif-else statements can check for each case value and execute the corresponding code block.

Here's an example of how to implement switch case-like functionality in Python using a dictionary: 

def case_one():
    print("Case one")

def case_two():
    print("Case two")

def case_three():
    print("Case three")

cases = {
    1: case_one,
    2: case_two,
    3: case_three

input_value = 2


In this example, the input_value variable is set to 2, so the case_two function is executed.

In conclusion, while Python doesn't have a built-in switch case statement, there are still ways to implement switch case-like functionality using dictionaries or if-elif-else statements.

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