What is StringBuffer appendCodePoint() method in java

java.lang.StringBuffer.appendCodePoint(int cp) is the method to append the string representation of the codePoint parameter to the sequence.

Syntax :

public StringBuffer appendCodePoint(int cp)

Parameters : 

Return Value : The method returns this object after appending the string represented by the codepoint.
Examples :
Input: StringBuffer = Apple
       int cp = 65
Output: AppleA 

Input: StringBuffer = GeeksforGeeks
       int cp = 156
Output: GeeksforGeeks?

Because 65 is the ASCII value for 'A' and
156 is the ASCII value for '?'

Below programs illustrate the java.lang.StringBuffer.appendCodePoint(int cp) method:

Program 1:

// Java praogram to illustrate the
// java.lang.StringBuffer.appendCodePoint(int cp)
import java.lang.*;

public class Geeks {

	public static void main(String[] args)

		StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer("Geeksforgeeks");
		System.out.println("String buffer = " + sbf);

		// Here it appends the CodePoint as
		// String to the string buffer
		System.out.println("After appending CodePoint is = " + sbf);


String buffer = Geeksforgeeks
After appending CodePoint is = GeeksforgeeksA

Program 2:

// Java praogram to illustrate the
// java.lang.StringBuffer.appendCodePoint(int cp)
import java.lang.*;

public class Geeks {

	public static void main(String[] args)

		StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer("Geeksforgeeks");
		System.out.println("String buffer = " + sbf);

		// Here it appends the CodePoint as
		// string to the string buffer

		System.out.println("After appending CodePoint is = " + sbf);


String buffer = Geeksforgeeks
After appending CodePoint is = Geeksforgeeks6

Program 3:

// Java praogram to illustrate the
// java.lang.StringBuffer.appendCodePoint(int cp)
import java.lang.*;

public class Geeks {

	public static void main(String[] args)

		StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer("Geeksforgeeks");
		System.out.println("String buffer = " + sbf);

		// Here it appends the CodePoint as
		// string to the string buffer

		System.out.println("After appending CodePoint is = " + sbf);


String buffer = Geeksforgeeks
After appending CodePoint is = Geeksforgeeks+


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