What is string class and its applications in C++?

In C++ we can store string by one of the two ways –

  1. C style strings
  2. string class (discussed in this post)

In this post, the second method is discussed. string class is part of C++ library that supports a lot much functionality over C style strings.

C++ string class internally uses char array to store character but all memory management, allocation, and null termination is handled by string class itself that is why it is easy to use. The length of the C++ string can be changed at runtime because of dynamic allocation of memory similar to vectors. As string class is a container class, we can iterate over all its characters using an iterator similar to other containers like vector, set and maps, but generally, we use a simple for loop for iterating over the characters and index them using the [] operator.
C++ string class has a lot of functions to handle string easily. Most useful of them are demonstrated in below code.

In C++, the string class is used to handle and manipulate a sequence of characters, known as strings. The string class is part of the standard library in C++ and is very useful for working with text-based data. It provides a number of functions that allow developers to easily manipulate strings, including concatenation, substring extraction, searching, and comparison.

One of the most common applications of the string class is in input and output operations. With the string class, developers can read and write strings to and from files and other input/output streams. The string class also provides functions for formatting and manipulating string data, such as converting strings to uppercase or lowercase, and trimming whitespace.

The string class is also commonly used in data processing and manipulation tasks. For example, it can be used to extract specific data from a larger string, or to split a string into multiple smaller strings based on a delimiter character. It can also be used for pattern matching and regular expression operations.

Overall, the string class in C++ is a powerful tool for working with text-based data. It simplifies many common string operations and provides a high level of functionality for manipulating and processing text-based data in a concise and efficient manner.

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