What is shadowing of static functions in Java?

In Java, if the name of the derived class static function is the same as the name of the base class static function, the base class static function will hide (or hide) the derived class static function. For example, the following Java code prints "A.fun()" Note: Static methods are class attributes, so if you call a static method from a class name or an object with a class container, call the method of that class instead of the method of the object.


In Java, static functions are class-level functions that can be accessed without creating an object of that class. Static functions are useful for performing operations that do not require object-level state or for utility functions that are independent of the objects of the class.

Shadowing, on the other hand, is a concept that refers to the situation where a variable or function in a subclass has the same name as a variable or function in its superclass. In such cases, the subclass variable or function "shadows" the superclass variable or function, meaning that the subclass variable or function takes precedence over the superclass variable or function.

In the case of static functions, shadowing occurs when a subclass has a static function with the same name as a static function in its superclass. However, unlike instance methods, static methods cannot be overridden by a subclass. Instead, the subclass static method simply shadows the superclass static method, and calling the static method with the same name from the subclass will always result in the subclass's version being called.

It's worth noting that shadowing of static methods can lead to confusion and unexpected behavior if not used carefully. Therefore, it's good practice to avoid shadowing static methods in Java, especially if they are used in a polymorphic context.

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