What is reflection in Python?

Reflection refers to the ability for code to be able to examine attributes about objects that might be passed as parameters to a function. For example, if we write type(obj) then Python will return an object which represents the type of obj.

In Python, reflection refers to the ability of a program to examine and modify its own structure and behavior at runtime. It allows programmers to access and manipulate various aspects of their program, such as modules, classes, functions, and objects, without knowing their names or definitions in advance. Python provides several built-in functions and modules to support reflection, such as type(), dir(), vars(), getattr(), setattr(), and inspect. These tools allow developers to dynamically create and modify objects, inspect their properties and methods, and invoke their functions. For example, the type() function can be used to determine the type of an object at runtime, while the dir() function can be used to list the attributes and methods of an object. The getattr() and setattr() functions can be used to get and set the values of object attributes dynamically, while the vars() function can be used to retrieve the dictionary of an object's attributes and their values. Reflection is a powerful technique that can be used to build dynamic and flexible applications, such as frameworks, plugins, and scripts. However, it can also make the code more complex and less secure if not used properly, as it allows developers to bypass the usual checks and balances of the Python interpreter. Therefore, it should be used with care and caution, and only when necessary.


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