What is Java.util.ArrayList.add() Method in Java?

Below are the add() methods of ArrayList in Java:

Boolean add(Object o) : This technique appends the requiredop|cease|quit|give up"of this list.


object o: The element to be appended to this list.

The Java.util.ArrayList.add() method is a built-in method in Java that is used to add an element to the end of an ArrayList. The method is a part of the Java Collections Framework, which provides a set of interfaces, implementations, and algorithms that enable efficient manipulation of collections of objects.

The Java.util.ArrayList.add() method is a built-in method in Java that is used to add an element to the end of an ArrayList. The method is a part of the Java Collections Framework, which provides a set of interfaces, implementations, and algorithms that enable efficient manipulation of collections of objects.

The syntax for the add() method is as follows: 

boolean add(E e)

Here, E represents the type of element that is being added to the ArrayList. The method returns a boolean value indicating whether the addition was successful or not.

To use the add() method, you need to create an instance of the ArrayList class, and then call the add() method on that instance, passing in the element you want to add as a parameter. For example: 

ArrayList myList = new ArrayList();

In the above code, a new ArrayList of Strings is created and elements "apple", "banana", and "orange" are added to it using the add() method.

The add() method can also be used to add elements at a specific position in the ArrayList, by specifying an index as the first parameter.

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