What is Import module in Python?

Import in python is similar to #include header_file in C/C++. Python modules can get access to code from another module by importing the file/function using import. The import statement is the most common way of invoking the import machinery, but it is not the only way.

In Python, an import module is a way to include code from one Python file into another. This is a powerful feature that allows you to write reusable code and organize your projects into manageable modules.

When you import a module, you can access all the functions, variables, and classes defined in that module. You can also import only specific parts of a module using the from keyword. For example, if you only need to use one function from a module, you can import just that function instead of the entire module.

To import a module, you use the import keyword followed by the name of the module. For example, to import the math module, you would use the following line of code

import math

Once you have imported a module, you can use its functions and variables in your code. For example, to use the square root function from the math module, you would write

result = math.sqrt(4)

Importing modules is a fundamental part of Python programming, and it allows you to write more efficient and organized code. By using modules, you can avoid writing the same code multiple times and improve the readability of your code.

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