What is conversion functions in R Programming?

Sometimes to analyze data R we need to convert data into another data type. As we know R has the following data types Numeric, Integer, Logical, Character, etc. similarly R has various conversion functions that are used to convert the data type.

In R Programming, conversion functions are used to change the data type of a variable or an object to another data type. Conversion functions are helpful when we want to use a variable or an object in a specific format or when we want to perform an operation that requires a specific data type.

There are several conversion functions available in R Programming, some of which are:

  1. as.character(): This function is used to convert an object to character data type.

  2. as.numeric(): This function is used to convert an object to numeric data type.

  3. as.integer(): This function is used to convert an object to integer data type.

  4. as.logical(): This function is used to convert an object to logical data type.

  5. as.Date(): This function is used to convert a character string to Date data type.

  6. as.POSIXct(): This function is used to convert a character string to POSIXct data type.

  7. as.factor(): This function is used to convert an object to a factor data type.

  8. as.vector(): This function is used to convert an object to a vector data type.

Conversion functions are useful in various scenarios, such as data cleaning, data analysis, and visualization. They help to ensure that the data is in the appropriate format for the intended use.

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