What is blank final in java?

The last factor in Java can be allocated a worth just a single time, we can dole out a worth either in announcement or later.

In Java, a blank final is a variable that has been declared as final but has not been initialized with a value at the time of declaration. This means that its value can only be assigned once, either in the constructor or in an instance initializer block, but not later in the code.

The purpose of using blank final variables is to ensure that their values cannot be changed after initialization, which can be useful in situations where data integrity is crucial or where a certain value needs to remain constant throughout the execution of a program.

When a blank final variable is declared, it must be initialized before it can be used. If it is not initialized, a compile-time error will occur. Additionally, a blank final variable can only be initialized once, either in the constructor or in an instance initializer block, and attempts to reassign its value will result in a compile-time error.

Here's an example of how to declare and initialize a blank final variable in Java: 


public class MyClass {
    final int myBlankFinalVar;

    public MyClass(int value) {
        myBlankFinalVar = value;

In this example, the variable myBlankFinalVar is declared as final but not initialized with a value. It is then assigned a value in the constructor. Once assigned, its value cannot be changed

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