What do you understand by these two words private and final methods in Java

When we use final specifier with a way the tactic can't be overridden in any of the inheriting classes. Methods are made final thanks to design reasons.
Since private methods are inaccessible, they're implicitly final in Java. So adding final specifier to a personal method doesn’t add any value. it's going to in-fact cause unnecessary confusion.

In Java, methods are used to define a set of instructions that can be executed when called upon. Two common modifiers that can be applied to methods in Java are "private" and "final".

A private method is a method that can only be accessed within the class it is defined in. This means that other classes cannot call or use the private method, which makes it useful for encapsulating logic that should not be exposed to the outside world. Private methods are often used to support public methods by performing some of the necessary calculations or operations.

On the other hand, a final method is a method that cannot be overridden by a subclass. This means that the method's implementation cannot be changed by any subclass that inherits from the parent class. This is useful when you want to ensure that a method's behavior remains consistent across all subclasses and cannot be altered in any way. Final methods are also sometimes used for performance reasons, as the Java compiler can optimize the method's execution knowing that it cannot be overridden.

In summary, private methods are used to restrict access to certain parts of a class, while final methods are used to prevent subclasses from changing the behavior of a method.

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