What are the differences between primitive data type and object data type in Java with examples

Primitive Data TypeIn Java, primitive data types are predefined data types in Java. They specify the size and type of any standard value. Java has 8 primitive data types, namely byte, short, int, long, float, double, char and boolean. When storing primitive data types, it is the stack that will assign the value. When a variable is copied, another copy of the variable is created, and changes made to the copied variable will not reflect the changes of the original variable. This is a Java program to demonstrate all primitive data types in Java.

Object Data TypeThese are also called non-primitive data types or reference data types. They are called because they refer to any specific object. Unlike primitive data types, non-primitive data types are created by users in Java. Examples include arrays, strings, classes, interfaces, etc. When storing a reference variable, the variable will be stored in the stack and the original object will be stored in the heap. In the Object data type, although two copies will be created, they will all point to the same variable in the heap, so changes made to any variable will reflect the changes in both variables. This is a Java program to demonstrate arrays (an object data type) in Java.

Difference between the primitive and object data types in Java: 

Now let’s check out a program that demonstrates the difference between the primitive and object data types in Java.

In Java, data types are divided into two categories: primitive data types and object data types. The main difference between these two types is that primitive data types hold a single value, while object data types hold a reference to an instance of a class that can contain multiple values and methods.

Primitive data types include boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, and double. They are used to represent simple values, such as numbers or true/false values. For example, int is a primitive data type that can store integer values between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.

Object data types, on the other hand, include classes, interfaces, arrays, and strings. They can hold a reference to an instance of a class that contains data and methods. For example, the String class is an object data type that can store a sequence of characters.

One important difference between these two types is how they are stored in memory. Primitive data types are stored on the stack, while object data types are stored on the heap. This means that objects are created dynamically at runtime and can be accessed through a reference variable.

Another difference is that primitive data types are passed by value, while object data types are passed by reference. When a primitive value is passed to a method, a copy of the value is created. When an object is passed to a method, a reference to the object is passed.

Overall, primitive data types are used for simple values, while object data types are used for more complex data structures and behaviors.

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