Two different ways to sort a string in java

The string class does not have any method to sort strings directly, but we can sort strings by applying other methods in turn.

Method 1(natural sorting) :

  1. Apply to CharArray() strategy on input string to make a scorch exhibit for input string. 
  2. Use Arrays.sort(char c[]) strategy to sort scorch exhibit. 
  3. Use String class constructor to make an arranged string from scorch exhibit.

There are various ways to sort a string in Java. Here are two different ways:

  1. Sorting using the Arrays class:

One way to sort a string in Java is by using the Arrays class. This class provides a method called sort() that can be used to sort arrays of primitives, objects, and strings. Here's an example: 


String str = "hello world";
char[] charArray = str.toCharArray();
String sortedStr = new String(charArray);

In this example, we first convert the string into a character array using the toCharArray() method. Then, we sort the character array using the sort() method of the Arrays class. Finally, we convert the sorted character array back into a string using the String constructor, and print the sorted string.

  1. Sorting using the StringBuilder class:

Another way to sort a string in Java is by using the StringBuilder class. This class provides a method called reverse() that can be used to reverse a string. Here's an example: 


String str = "hello world";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
String sortedStr = sb.toString();

In this example, we first create a StringBuilder object with the input string. Then, we use the reverse() method to reverse the characters in the string. Finally, we convert the StringBuilder object back into a string using the toString() method, and print the sorted string.

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