Python program to convert list of strings and characters to list of characters

Sometimes we come forward to the problem in which we receive a list that consists of strings and characters mixed and the task we need to perform is converting that mixed list to a list consisting entirely of characters. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this is achieved.

Here is an example Python program that converts a list of strings and characters to a list of characters: 


def convert_to_char_list(lst):
    This function takes a list of strings and characters and returns a list of characters.

        lst (list): A list of strings and characters.

        list: A list of characters.
    char_list = []
    for item in lst:
        if isinstance(item, str):
            char_list += list(item)
    return char_list

The convert_to_char_list function takes a single argument lst, which is the list that needs to be converted. It initializes an empty list called char_list, which will be used to store the converted characters.

The function then loops through each item in lst. If the item is a string, the list function is used to convert it to a list of characters, which are then added to char_list using the += operator. If the item is not a string, it is simply appended to char_list.

Finally, the function returns char_list, which is the converted list of characters.

Here is an example usage of the function: 


>>> lst = ['hello', 'world', '!', 'a', 'b', 'c']
>>> converted_lst = convert_to_char_list(lst)
>>> print(converted_lst)
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!', 'a', 'b', 'c']

In this example, the lst contains a mixture of strings and characters. The convert_to_char_list function is used to convert the list to a list of characters, which is then printed to the console.

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