Python program to convert a nested OrderedDict to dict?

In this article, we will discuss how to convert a nested OrderedDict to dict? Before this we must go through some concepts:

In Python, the OrderedDict class is a subclass of the built-in dict class that maintains the order of the keys added to it. A nested OrderedDict is a collection of OrderedDicts that can be represented as a tree-like structure. Sometimes, it may be necessary to convert a nested OrderedDict to a regular dict. This can be achieved using a recursive function that iterates through the nested structure and converts each OrderedDict to a regular dict.

Here is an example Python program that converts a nested OrderedDict to a regular dict


from collections import OrderedDict

def convert_nested_ordereddict_to_dict(nested_ordereddict):
    if isinstance(nested_ordereddict, OrderedDict):
        return dict((k, convert_nested_ordereddict_to_dict(v)) for k, v in nested_ordereddict.items())
    elif isinstance(nested_ordereddict, list):
        return [convert_nested_ordereddict_to_dict(x) for x in nested_ordereddict]
        return nested_ordereddict

In this program, the convert_nested_ordereddict_to_dict function takes a nested OrderedDict as an argument and returns a regular dict. If the input is an OrderedDict, the function recursively calls itself to convert each nested OrderedDict to a regular dict. If the input is a list, the function iterates through the list and converts each element using the same recursive approach. If the input is not an OrderedDict or a list, it returns the input unchanged

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