Python program to assign a values to variables

This article discuss about how to assign a values to variables.

 In Python, assigning values to variables is a fundamental concept. It allows you to store and manipulate data as needed throughout your program. Here is an example of how to assign values to variables in Python: 


# Assigning values to variables
name = "John"
age = 30
is_student = True
height = 1.85

# Printing the values of the variables
print("Name:", name)
print("Age:", age)
print("Is Student?", is_student)
print("Height:", height)

In the above code, we have assigned values to four different variables: name, age, is_student, and height. We have assigned a string value to the name variable, an integer value to the age variable, a boolean value to the is_student variable, and a float value to the height variable.

We have then printed the values of these variables using the print() function. The output of the above program would be: 


Name: John
Age: 30
Is Student? True
Height: 1.85

By assigning values to variables, you can easily reuse and manipulate data as needed throughout your program.

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