Python program convert dictionary value list to dictionary List

Sometimes, while working with Python Dictionaries, we can have a problem in which we need to convert dictionary list to nested records dictionary taking each index of dictionary list value and flattening it. This kind of problem can have application in many domains. discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed.

Python program that converts a dictionary value list to a dictionary list: 


# Define a dictionary with list values
dict_with_list = {'key1': [1, 2, 3], 'key2': [4, 5, 6], 'key3': [7, 8, 9]}

# Create an empty list to store the dictionary list
dict_list = []

# Iterate over the dictionary key-value pairs
for key, value_list in dict_with_list.items():
    # Create a new dictionary with the key and value list
    new_dict = {'key': key, 'values': value_list}
    # Append the new dictionary to the dictionary list

# Print the resulting dictionary list

This program defines a dictionary dict_with_list with keys that each have a list of values. It then creates an empty list dict_list to store the resulting dictionary list.

The program then iterates over each key-value pair in dict_with_list, and creates a new dictionary with the key and value list. This new dictionary is then appended to dict_list.

Finally, the resulting dictionary list is printed to the console. This dictionary list contains one dictionary for each key in dict_with_list, with the key as the key field in the dictionary, and the list of values as the values field in the dictionary.

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