JVM create object of Main class or not?

In Java, the JVM does create an object of the main class when the Java application is launched. The main method is the entry point for Java applications, and the JVM creates an instance of the class that contains the main method before calling the main method.

When the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) starts up, it loads the specified class (which contains the main method) into memory and initializes it. During the initialization process, the JVM creates an instance of the class and then calls the main method on that instance.

It is important to note that the main method in Java is a static method, which means that it belongs to the class rather than to any instance of the class. However, in order for the JVM to call the main method, it needs to create an instance of the class that contains the main method.

So in summary, the JVM creates an object of the main class implicitly when a Java application is launched, even though the main method is static.

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