Java Program to create a Java HashMap of user defined class type?

If we want to create a HashMap of our own class, we need to ensure that the hashcode() of the key of the HashMap will not change, just like this, it is impossible to get the object value of the key from the HashMap.

At runtime, the JVM processes the hash code of each object and gives it interest. When we change the state of an object, the JVM will recalculate its hash code, which may cause memory leaks. In order for things to work properly, what we must do is to ensure that the state of the key object does not change the hash code of the object, that is, the key must correctly override the equals() and hashcode() methods to work properly.

One way to do this is to make key objects immutable. Immutability allows you to get the same hash code every time, for key objects. This is why immutable classes like String, Integer or other wrapper classes are a good key object applicant’s main motivation. Learn more here how to make a class immutable?

// Java example to create a Java HashMap
// of user-defined class type

import java.util.*;

// User defined class
public class CustomKeyObject {

	public static class Student {

		private int rollno;
		private String name;

		// Constructor
		public Student(int rollno, String name)
			this.rollno = rollno; = name;

		public String getname()

		public int getmarks()
			return this.rollno;

		public void setname(String name)
		{ = name;

		public void setmarks(int rollno)
			this.rollno = rollno;

		// Overriding the hashcode() function
		public int hashCode()

			// uses roll no to verify the uniqueness
			// of the object of Student class

			final int temp = 14;
			int ans = 1;
			ans = temp * ans + rollno;
			return ans;

		// Equal objects must produce the same
		// hash code as long as they are equal
		public boolean equals(Object o)
			if (this == o) {
				return true;
			if (o == null) {
				return false;
			if (this.getClass() != o.getClass()) {
				return false;
			Student other = (Student)o;
			if (this.rollno != other.rollno) {
				return false;
			return true;

	// main method
	public static void main(String[] args)
		throws NumberFormatException,
		HashMap<Student, String> map = new HashMap<>();

		Student one = new Student(1, "Geeks1"); // key1

		Student two = new Student(2, "Geeks2"); // key2

		// put keys in map
		map.put(one, one.getname());
		map.put(two, two.getname());

		// changing key state so that
		// hashcode() should be calculated again
		one.setname("Not Geeks1");
		two.setname("Not Geeks2");

		// still prints Geeks1

		// still prints Geeks1

		// try with newly created key with same Rollno
		Student three = new Student(1, "Geeks3");

		// we get Geeks1

	// This code is contributed by Subhesh




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