Java program to count occurrence of a given character in a string using stream API

Given a string and a character, the task is to create a function that uses the Stream API to detect occurrences of certain characters in the string.


Input: str = "geeksforgeeks", c = 'e'
Output: 4
'e' appears four times in str.

Input: str = "abccdefgaa", c = 'a' 
Output: 3
'a' appears three times in str.


  • Converting a string to a character stream
  • Use the filter() function to ensure that the characters in the stream are the characters to be counted.
  • Count matching characters with count() function

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// Java program to count occurrences
// of a character using Stream


class GFG {

	// Method that returns the count of the given
	// character in the string
	public static long count(String s, char ch)

		return s.chars()
			.filter(c -> c == ch)

	// Driver method
	public static void main(String args[])
		String str = "geeksforgeeks";
		char c = 'e';
		System.out.println(count(str, c));




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