How to write a simple registration form using Python Tkinter

Prerequisites: Tkinter Introduction, openpyxl module.

Python provides the Tkinter toolkit to develop GUI applications. Now, it’s upto the imagination or necessity of developer, what he/she want to develop using this toolkit. Let’s make a simple information form GUI application using Tkinter. In this application, User has to fill up the required information, and that information is automatically written into an excel file.

Firstly, create an empty excel file, after that pass an absolute path of the excel file in the program so that the program is able to access that excel file.

Below is the implementation :

# import openpyxl and tkinter modules
from openpyxl import *
from tkinter import *

# globally declare wb and sheet variable

# opening the existing excel file
wb = load_workbook('C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\excel.xlsx')

# create the sheet object
sheet =

def excel():
	# resize the width of columns in
	# excel spreadsheet
	sheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = 30
	sheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 10
	sheet.column_dimensions['C'].width = 10
	sheet.column_dimensions['D'].width = 20
	sheet.column_dimensions['E'].width = 20
	sheet.column_dimensions['F'].width = 40
	sheet.column_dimensions['G'].width = 50

	# write given data to an excel spreadsheet
	# at particular location
	sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).value = "Name"
	sheet.cell(row=1, column=2).value = "Course"
	sheet.cell(row=1, column=3).value = "Semester"
	sheet.cell(row=1, column=4).value = "Form Number"
	sheet.cell(row=1, column=5).value = "Contact Number"
	sheet.cell(row=1, column=6).value = "Email id"
	sheet.cell(row=1, column=7).value = "Address"

# Function to set focus (cursor)
def focus1(event):
	# set focus on the course_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus2(event):
	# set focus on the sem_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus3(event):
	# set focus on the form_no_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus4(event):
	# set focus on the contact_no_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus5(event):
	# set focus on the email_id_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus6(event):
	# set focus on the address_field box

# Function for clearing the
# contents of text entry boxes
def clear():
	# clear the content of text entry box
	name_field.delete(0, END)
	course_field.delete(0, END)
	sem_field.delete(0, END)
	form_no_field.delete(0, END)
	contact_no_field.delete(0, END)
	email_id_field.delete(0, END)
	address_field.delete(0, END)

# Function to take data from GUI
# window and write to an excel file
def insert():
	# if user not fill any entry
	# then print "empty input"
	if (name_field.get() == "" and
		course_field.get() == "" and
		sem_field.get() == "" and
		form_no_field.get() == "" and
		contact_no_field.get() == "" and
		email_id_field.get() == "" and
		address_field.get() == ""):
		print("empty input")


		# assigning the max row and max column
		# value upto which data is written
		# in an excel sheet to the variable
		current_row = sheet.max_row
		current_column = sheet.max_column

		# get method returns current text
		# as string which we write into
		# excel spreadsheet at particular location
		sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=1).value = name_field.get()
		sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=2).value = course_field.get()
		sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=3).value = sem_field.get()
		sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=4).value = form_no_field.get()
		sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=5).value = contact_no_field.get()
		sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=6).value = email_id_field.get()
		sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=7).value = address_field.get()

		# save the file'C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\excel.xlsx')

		# set focus on the name_field box

		# call the clear() function

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
	# create a GUI window
	root = Tk()

	# set the background colour of GUI window
	root.configure(background='light green')

	# set the title of GUI window
	root.title("registration form")

	# set the configuration of GUI window


	# create a Form label
	heading = Label(root, text="Form", bg="light green")

	# create a Name label
	name = Label(root, text="Name", bg="light green")

	# create a Course label
	course = Label(root, text="Course", bg="light green")

	# create a Semester label
	sem = Label(root, text="Semester", bg="light green")

	# create a Form No. label
	form_no = Label(root, text="Form No.", bg="light green")

	# create a Contact No. label
	contact_no = Label(root, text="Contact No.", bg="light green")

	# create a Email id label
	email_id = Label(root, text="Email id", bg="light green")

	# create a address label
	address = Label(root, text="Address", bg="light green")

	# grid method is used for placing
	# the widgets at respective positions
	# in table like structure .
	heading.grid(row=0, column=1)
	name.grid(row=1, column=0)
	course.grid(row=2, column=0)
	sem.grid(row=3, column=0)
	form_no.grid(row=4, column=0)
	contact_no.grid(row=5, column=0)
	email_id.grid(row=6, column=0)
	address.grid(row=7, column=0)

	# create a text entry box
	# for typing the information
	name_field = Entry(root)
	course_field = Entry(root)
	sem_field = Entry(root)
	form_no_field = Entry(root)
	contact_no_field = Entry(root)
	email_id_field = Entry(root)
	address_field = Entry(root)

	# bind method of widget is used for
	# the binding the function with the events

	# whenever the enter key is pressed
	# then call the focus1 function
	name_field.bind("", focus1)

	# whenever the enter key is pressed
	# then call the focus2 function
	course_field.bind("", focus2)

	# whenever the enter key is pressed
	# then call the focus3 function
	sem_field.bind("", focus3)

	# whenever the enter key is pressed
	# then call the focus4 function
	form_no_field.bind("", focus4)

	# whenever the enter key is pressed
	# then call the focus5 function
	contact_no_field.bind("", focus5)

	# whenever the enter key is pressed
	# then call the focus6 function
	email_id_field.bind("", focus6)

	# grid method is used for placing
	# the widgets at respective positions
	# in table like structure .
	name_field.grid(row=1, column=1, ipadx="100")
	course_field.grid(row=2, column=1, ipadx="100")
	sem_field.grid(row=3, column=1, ipadx="100")
	form_no_field.grid(row=4, column=1, ipadx="100")
	contact_no_field.grid(row=5, column=1, ipadx="100")
	email_id_field.grid(row=6, column=1, ipadx="100")
	address_field.grid(row=7, column=1, ipadx="100")

	# call excel function

	# create a Submit Button and place into the root window
	submit = Button(root, text="Submit", fg="Black",
							bg="Red", command=insert)
	submit.grid(row=8, column=1)

	# start the GUI

Output : 

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