How to split dictionary keys and values into separate lists in Python

Given a dictionary, the task is to split that dictionary into keys and values into different lists. Let’s discuss the different ways we can do this.

Method #1: Using built-in functions

# Python code to demonstrate
# to split dictionary
# into keys and values

# initialising _dictionary
ini_dict = {'a' : 'akshat', 'b' : 'bhuvan', 'c': 'chandan'}

# printing iniial_dictionary
print("intial_dictionary", str(ini_dict))

# split dictionary into keys and values
keys = ini_dict.keys()
values = ini_dict.values()

# printing keys and values separately
print ("keys : ", str(keys))
print ("values : ", str(values))


intial_dictionary {'a': 'akshat', 'b': 'bhuvan', 'c': 'chandan'}
keys :  dict_keys(['a', 'b', 'c'])
values :  dict_values(['akshat', 'bhuvan', 'chandan'])

Method #2: Using zip()

# Python code to demonstrate
# to split dictionary
# into keys and values

# initialising _dictionary
ini_dict = {'a' : 'akshat', 'b' : 'bhuvan', 'c': 'chandan'}

# printing iniial_dictionary
print("intial_dictionary", str(ini_dict))

# split dictionary into keys and values
keys, values = zip(*ini_dict.items())

# printing keys and values separately
print ("keys : ", str(keys))
print ("values : ", str(values))


intial_dictionary {'a': 'akshat', 'c': 'chandan', 'b': 'bhuvan'}
keys :  ('a', 'c', 'b')
values :  ('akshat', 'chandan', 'bhuvan')

Method #3: Using items()

# Python code to demonstrate
# to split dictionary
# into keys and values

# initialising _dictionary
ini_dict = {'a' : 'akshat', 'b' : 'bhuvan', 'c': 'chandan'}

# printing iniial_dictionary
print("intial_dictionary", str(ini_dict))

# split dictionary into keys and values
keys = []
values = []
items = ini_dict.items()
for item in items:
	keys.append(item[0]), values.append(item[1])

# printing keys and values separately
print ("keys : ", str(keys))
print ("values : ", str(values))


intial_dictionary {'b': 'bhuvan', 'c': 'chandan', 'a': 'akshat'}
keys :  ['b', 'c', 'a']
values :  ['bhuvan', 'chandan', 'akshat']


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