How to minimize the maximum element of an array in java

Given two integers N and K. Create an array of N positive integers such the sum of all elements of the array is divisible by K and therefore the maximum element within the array is that the minimum possible.

You have to seek out the utmost element of that array.


 Input : N=5, K=11

Output : 3

Explanation : We can create the array as [2, 2, 2, 2, 3]. The sum of the array is 11 which is divisible by K=11 and the maximum element is 3 which is minimum possible in this case.

Input : N=4, K=3

Output : 2

Explanation : We can create the array as [1, 2, 1, 2]. The sum of the array is 6 which is divisible by K=3 and the maximum element is 2 which is minimum possible in this case.

Approach : Since we have to take all N positive numbers, the minimum value we can assume is 1. The number of arrays is initially N * 1 = N.

Now, there exist two possible cases –

  2. In both cases the optimal sum is S. So if you assign the minimum value of S/N to elements N-1 and the maximum value of Sum/K to the remaining elements, the sum becomes equal to S and is also divisible by .

Now, Between the floor value of sum/N and the ceiling value of sum/N, ceil value will be greater. Finally, the maximum element will the ceil value of sum/N. 

Below is the implementation of the above approach :

// Java Program to Minimize the maximum element of an array

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args)
		// Given
		int N = 5;
		int K = 11;

		System.out.println("N is " +N);
		System.out.println("K is " +K);
		// variable sum stores the optimal Sum
		int sum = 0;

		// the first case
		if (K >= N) {
			// the optimal sum will be K
			// as we have to keep the sum as minimum as
			// possible and the sum has to divisible by K
			sum = K;

		// the second case
		else {
			// we have to increment sum as
			// the sum is divisible by K
			// and sum is greater than or equal to N

			// the ceiling value of N/K will give the
			// minimum value that has to be multiplied by K
			// to get the optimal sum
			int times = (int)Math.ceil((double)N / (double)K);
			sum = times * K;

		// maximum_element will the ceil value of sum/N
		int maximum_element
			= (int)Math.ceil((double)sum / (double)N);

		// print the maximum_element as answer
		System.out.println("Maximum element is " +maximum_element);


N is 5
K is 11
Maximum element is 3

Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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