How to count Vowels, Lines, Characters in Text File in Python

In this article, we are going to create a python program that counts vowels, lines, and a number of characters present in a particular text file.


  • We have to open the file using open() function in python.
  • Then make three variables, vowel, line and character to count the number of vowels, lines, and characters respectively.
  • Make a list of vowels so that we can check whether the character is a vowel or not.
  • When the count hits the  ‘\n’ character we have to increase our line variable means a new line in the file.
  • After that iterate over the characters of the file and count the vowels, lines, and characters.

Below is the full Implementation:


# Python program to count number of vowels,
# newlines and character in textfile

def counting(filename):
	# Opening the file in read mode
	txt_file = open(filename, "r")

	# Initialize three variables to count number of vowels,
	# lines and characters respectively
	vowel = 0
	line = 0
	character = 0

	# Make a vowels list so that we can
	# check whether the character is vowel or not
	vowels_list = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u',
				'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U']

	# Iterate over the characters present in file
	for alpha in
		# Checking if the current character is vowel or not
		if alpha in vowels_list:
			vowel += 1
		# Checking if the current character is
		# not vowel or new line character
		elif alpha not in vowels_list and alpha != "\n":
			character += 1
		# Checking if the current character
		# is new line character or not
		elif alpha == "\n":
			line += 1

	# Print the desired output on the console.
	print("Number of vowels in ", filename, " = ", vowel)
	print("New Lines in ", filename, " = ", line)
	print("Number of characters in ", filename, " = ", character)

# Calling the function counting which gives the desired output


Number of vowels in  MyFile.txt  =  23    
New Lines in  MyFile.txt  =  2
Number of characters in  MyFile.txt  =  54


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