How to count number of vowels using sets in given string in Python

Given a string, count the number of vowels present in given string using Sets.


Input : GeeksforGeeks
Output : No. of vowels : 5

Input : Hello World
Output : No. of vowels :  3



1. Create a set of vowels using set() and initialize a count variable to 0.
2. Traverse through the alphabets in the string and check if the letter in the string is present in set vowel.
3. If it is present, the vowel count is incremented.

Below is the implementation of above approach:


# Python3 code to count vowel in
# a string using set

# Function to count vowel
def vowel_count(str):
	# Initializing count variable to 0
	count = 0
	# Creating a set of vowels
	vowel = set("aeiouAEIOU")
	# Loop to traverse the alphabet
	# in the given string
	for alphabet in str:
		# If alphabet is present
		# in set vowel
		if alphabet in vowel:
			count = count + 1
	print("No. of vowels :", count)
# Driver code
str = "GeeksforGeeks"

# Function Call


No. of vowels : 5


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