How to convert integer to boolean in java

Given a integer value, the task is to convert this integer value into a boolean value in Java.


Input: int = 1
Output: true

Input: int = 0
Output: false


  1. Get the boolean value to be converted.
  2. Check if boolean value is true or false
  3. If the integer value is bigger than adequate to 1, set the boolean value as true.
  4. Else if the integer value is bigger than 1, set the boolean value as false.

Example 1:

// Java Program to convert integer to boolean

public class GFG {

	public static void main(String[] args)

		// The integer value
		int intValue = 1;

		// The expected boolean value
		boolean boolValue;

		// Check if it's greater than equal to 1
		if (intValue >= 1) {
			boolValue = true;
		else {
			boolValue = false;

		// Print the expected integer value
			+ " after converting into boolean = "
			+ boolValue);


1 after converting into boolean = true

Example 2:

// Java Program to convert integer to boolean

public class GFG {

	public static void main(String[] args)

		// The integer value
		int intValue = 0;

		// The expected boolean value
		boolean boolValue;

		// Check if it's greater than equal to 1
		if (intValue >= 1) {
			boolValue = true;
		else {
			boolValue = false;

		// Print the expected integer value
			+ " after converting into boolean = "
			+ boolValue);


0 after converting into boolean = false


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