How to convert given list into nested list in Python

Some times, we come over the data that is in string format in a list and it is required to convert it into a list of the list. This kind of problem of converting a list of strings to nested list is quite common in web development. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this can be performed.

Method #1: Using iteration

# Python code to convert list
# of string into list of list

# List initialization
Input = ['Geeeks, Forgeeks', '65.7492, 62.5405',
		'Geeks, 123', '555.7492, 152.5406']
temp = []

# Getting elem in list of list format
for elem in Input:
	temp2 = elem.split(', ')

# List initialization
Output = []

# Using Iteration to convert
# element into list of list
for elem in temp:
	temp3 = []
	for elem2 in elem:

# printing


[[‘Geeeks’, ‘Forgeeks’], [‘65.7492’, ‘62.5405’], [‘Geeks’, ‘123’], [‘555.7492’, ‘152.5406’]]

Method #2 : Using ast [list with numeric values]

# Python code to convert list
# of string into list of list

# importing
import ast

# List Initialization
Input = ['12, 454', '15.72, 82.85', '52.236, 25256', '95.9492, 72.906']

# using ast to convert
Output = [list(ast.literal_eval(x)) for x in Input]

# printing


[[12, 454], [15.72, 82.85], [52.236, 25256], [95.9492, 72.906]]


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