How to check if given string is vowel palindrome in Python

Given a string (may contain both vowel and consonant letters), remove all consonants, then check if the resulting string is palindrome or not.


Input :  abcuhuvmnba
Output : YES
Explanation :
The consonants in the string "abcuhuvmnba"
are removed. Now the string becomes "auua".

Input : xayzuezyax
Output : NO

Input : bkldhgcj
Output : -1


Remove all the consonants in the string. Check if the vowel string is a palindrome. If it is a palindrome print YES, else print NO. If string contains no vowels, then print -1.

Below is the Python implementation:

# Python program to check if given
# string is vowel Palindrome

# Function to check if a given string is a vowel
def vowel(c):
	# creating a list of vowels
	v = list("aeiou")
	# if the character is a vowel return True
	if c in v: return True
	return False

# Function to check if a vowel
# string is palindrome
def palindrome(s):
	# create a empty list
	v = []
	# append all vowels into the list
	for i in s:
		if vowel(i):v.append(i)
	# if the length of the vowel
	# string is 0 then print -1
	if len(v)== 0: print("-1")
	# else check if it is a palindrome
		# create a reversed string
		x = v[::-1]
		# initialize a flag
		f = 1
		for i in range(len(x)):
			# if the characters are not the same
			if x[i]!= v[i]:
				# set the flag to 0
				f = 0
		if f == 1: print("YES")
		else: print("NO")
# Driver Code
s = 'abcuhuvmnba'

# calling the main function




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