How to check if any anagram of a string is palindrome or not in C++

We have given an anagram string and we have to check whether it can be made palindrome o not in C++

Input : geeksforgeeks 
Output : No
There is no palindrome anagram of 
given string

Input  : geeksgeeks
Output : Yes
There are palindrome anagrams of
given string. For example kgeesseegk

This problem is basically the same as Check if characters of a given string can be rearranged to form a palindrome. We can do it in O(n) time using a count array. Following are detailed steps. 
1) Create a count array of alphabet size which is typically 256. Initialize all values of count array as 0. 
2) Traverse the given string and increment count of every character. 
3) Traverse the count array and if the count array has more than one odd values, return false. Otherwise, return true. 

using namespace std;
#define NO_OF_CHARS 256

/* function to check whether characters of a string
can form a palindrome */
bool canFormPalindrome(string str)
	// Create a count array and initialize all
	// values as 0
	int count[NO_OF_CHARS] = { 0 };

	// For each character in input strings,
	// increment count in the corresponding
	// count array
	for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++)

	// Count odd occurring characters
	int odd = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < NO_OF_CHARS; i++) {
		if (count[i] & 1)

		if (odd > 1)
			return false;

	// Return true if odd count is 0 or 1,
	return true;

/* Driver program to test to print printDups*/
int main()
	canFormPalindrome("geeksforgeeks") ? cout << "Yes\n" : cout << "No\n";
	canFormPalindrome("geeksogeeks") ? cout << "Yes\n" : cout << "No\n";
	return 0;




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