How many ways to check string contain all same characters in Python

In Python, there are multiple ways to check if a string contains all the same characters. In this article, we will explore three different methods to accomplish this task.

Method 1: Using Set

One of the simplest methods to check if a string contains all the same characters is to convert the string into a set and check the length of the set. If the length of the set is 1, then it means all the characters in the string are the same.

Here is an example code snippet to implement this method:


def is_all_characters_same(input_str):
    return len(set(input_str)) == 1

Method 2: Using Loop

Another method to check if a string contains all the same characters is to use a loop. We can iterate through the string and compare each character with the first character of the string. If any character is different from the first character, then it means the string does not contain all the same characters.

Here is an example code snippet to implement this method:


def is_all_characters_same(input_str):
    first_char = input_str[0]
    for char in input_str:
        if char != first_char:
            return False
    return True

Method 3: Using All()

The third method to check if a string contains all the same characters is to use the built-in all() function in Python. We can pass a generator expression to the all() function that checks if each character in the string is equal to the first character of the string.

Here is an example code snippet to implement this method:



def is_all_characters_same(input_str):
    first_char = input_str[0]
    return all(char == first_char for char in input_str)


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