Difference between byte objects and string in python?

In Python, there are two main data types for storing text and binary data: byte objects and strings. Although both are used for storing data, there are significant differences between them.

Byte Objects:

Byte objects are a sequence of bytes, which represent binary data. They are used to store binary data such as images, audio files, and other types of files. Byte objects are defined using the b prefix, for example, b"Hello". Byte objects are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once they are created.


Strings are sequences of Unicode characters, which represent text data. They are used to store text data such as words, sentences, and paragraphs. Strings are defined using quotes, either single quotes ' or double quotes ". Strings are also immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once they are created.


The main difference between byte objects and strings is that byte objects represent binary data, while strings represent text data. Byte objects use a different encoding than strings, meaning that when a string is encoded, it becomes a byte object. Byte objects cannot be used for text manipulation, such as concatenation or slicing, as they are just a sequence of bytes. Strings, on the other hand, are used for text manipulation, as they are sequences of Unicode characters.

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