constructors are inherited in Java or not

Constructors in Java are not inherited by subclasses. This means that when a subclass is created, it does not inherit the constructors of its parent class. Instead, the subclass must have its own constructors that are explicitly defined in the subclass.

The reason for this is that constructors are used to initialize the objects of a class, and the properties and behavior of the subclass are usually different from the parent class. The constructor for the subclass should reflect these differences and provide a way to initialize the objects of the subclass with the correct properties and behavior.

While constructors are not inherited in Java, the subclass can still use the constructor of the parent class through a technique called constructor chaining. This allows the subclass to initialize the parent class and then add any additional initialization that is specific to the subclass.

Constructor chaining is achieved by calling the constructor of the parent class using the super keyword. For example, if a subclass wants to use the constructor of its parent class, it would write something like this:



public class Subclass extends ParentClass {
   public Subclass(int x, int y) {
      // additional initialization specific to the subclass

In this example, the subclass is calling the constructor of the parent class and passing it the value of x. It then performs its own additional initialization, which is specific to the subclass.

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