Comparison of static keyword in C++

The "static" keyword in C++ is used to declare a variable or a function with static duration. It has several implications, which can affect the behavior and scope of a variable or function. In this article, we'll discuss the differences between a static variable and a non-static variable in C++.

  1. Storage Duration: A static variable is stored in the data segment of a program, while a non-static variable is stored on the stack. The data segment is a portion of memory that is reserved for storing data that persists throughout the life of a program, while the stack is used for temporary data storage.

  2. Initialization: A static variable is automatically initialized to zero when the program starts, while a non-static variable needs to be explicitly initialized.

  3. Scope: A static variable has file scope, meaning it can be accessed from anywhere within the same file. A non-static variable has block scope, meaning it can only be accessed within the block in which it is defined.

  4. Lifetime: The lifetime of a static variable is the entire duration of the program, while the lifetime of a non-static variable is limited to the scope in which it is defined.

  5. Accessibility: A static function can only be accessed within the same file, while a non-static function can be accessed from anywhere in the program.

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