C program to print a number 100 times without using loop, recursion and macro expansion

As a beginner, it might seem difficult to print a number 100 times without using loop, recursion, and macro expansion. But in this article, we will discuss a simple C program to print a number 100 times without using these concepts.

We can use a technique called "goto" to print the number 100 times. Goto is a control flow statement that transfers the program control to a labeled statement in the same function. In other words, we can use the "goto" statement to jump to a specific line of code in the program.

Here's the C program to print a number 100 times without using loop, recursion, and macro expansion:


int main() {
  int num = 5; //the number to print
  int i = 1; //initialize the counter

  //print the number using goto
    printf("%d\n", num);
    if (i <= 100) //check if the counter is less than or equal to 100
      goto start; //jump to the start label

  return 0;

In this program, we have initialized two variables: num and i. Num is the number we want to print, and i is the counter that keeps track of the number of times the number has been printed.

We have used the "goto" statement to jump to the label "start" whenever the counter is less than or equal to 100. The label "start" prints the number and increments the counter. This process continues until the counter becomes greater than 100.

This program prints the number 5, which is stored in the variable "num," 100 times without using loop, recursion, and macro expansion.


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