How to extract strings with at least given number of characters from other list in Python

In Python, there are various ways to extract strings with a minimum number of characters from a list of strings. In this tutorial, we will explore different approaches to solve this problem.

Let's start by assuming we have a list of strings that we want to extract from:

my_list = ["apple", "banana", "grape",
"orange", "kiwi", "pear", "pineapple"]

Our goal is to extract all strings with at least a given number of characters. Let's assume we want to extract all strings with at least 5 characters.

Approach 1: Using a for loop

One way to solve this problem is by using a for loop. We can loop through each string in the list and check if it has at least 5 characters. If it does, we can append it to a new list.

my_list = ["apple", "banana", 
"grape", "orange", "kiwi", "pear",
"pineapple"] min_chars = 5 new_list = [] for string in my_list: if len(string) >= min_chars: new_list.append(string) print(new_list)


['apple', 'banana',
'orange', 'pineapple']

Approach 2: Using filter() function

Another way to extract strings with at least a given number of characters is by using the filter() function. The filter() function takes two arguments: a function and an iterable. The function takes an element from the iterable and returns True or False. The filter() function returns a new iterable containing all elements for which the function returned True.

In our case, we can define a function that takes a string and checks if it has at least 5 characters. We can then pass this function and the list of strings to the filter() function.

my_list = ["apple", "banana", 
"grape", "orange", "kiwi", "pear",
"pineapple"] min_chars = 5 def has_min_chars(string): return len(string) >= min_chars new_list = list(filter(has_min_chars,
my_list)) print(new_list)


['apple', 'banana',
'orange', 'pineapple']

Approach 3: Using list comprehension

Finally, we can use list comprehension to extract strings with at least a given number of characters. List comprehension is a concise way to create a new list by applying an expression to each element in an iterable.

my_list = ["apple", "banana",
"grape", "orange", "kiwi",
"pear", "pineapple"] min_chars = 5 new_list = [string for string
in my_list if len(string) >= min_chars] print(new_list)


['apple', 'banana',
'orange', 'pineapple']

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